Friday, November 19, 2010

Slimon, Farty Marty, And Tiny, Wimpy PJ - Oh The Hypocrisy!!!!!

The crew of international cyberstalkers, hypocrites, assholes, and rip-off artists are on a stunning run of shambolic behavior, even for them!

First, we have Slimon Simon Stack, the cyberstalker and wannabe cop on gear sites all over the WWW, a man who acts as if he's the Grand Poobah of BJFE pedals, selling off two more of his supposedly so well-loved BJFEs, leaving him with, what, like only 1 or 2 left (see a picture of his board and the current equipment he lists in his signature below)? Guess they weren't as special as he previously proclaimed they were with all his insincere high praise on the BJFE Forums. He got a Klon and a couple of Cornishes and it's like, wham, kick that BJFE trash to the curb, mate! Of course, it is only a matter of time until the honeymoon with his latest scores is over and then, dilettante that he is, he'll drop them as shit and move on to the next newest, best, thing - WTF?!

Another interesting point to note is that he proudly touts his strings2wood eBay account that has 100% feedback, but conveniently leaves out any mention of his other eBay account, choiceguitars, the one with a 0% feedback rating and that has negative feedback for 33% of all feedback that handle ever received. Yeah, I guess I can understand him leaving that out, as unethical dealers with multiple handles for the purpose of defrauding others really don't benefit from the harsh light of being exposed!

Then his partner in cyberstalking and other ill deeds, Farty Marty DiMaria has to get into the act, pimping for him by stating that he's a "great seller". The strange thing, however, is that Farty Marty has never done any business with Slimon - as you can see, he is not listed in Slimon's list of references - and, therefore, cannot honestly vouch for him. No, what this is just a case of plain, old fashioned, unethical shilling, done on the part of one unethical, little, cyberstalking hypocrite for the benefit of another unethical, little, cyberstalking hypocrite!

As stated above, you can clearly see that he only has one BJFE pedal on the new board of which he's oh so proud and his signature doesn't list any additional BJFEs!

Even better yet, after buying one Cornish duplex for the ridiculous price of $1800 AUD, which is almost twice what they cost new from Pete Cornish direct, and promising on behalf of his band mate Tiny, Wimpy PJ (AKA Peter Cook), to buy the other, he, obviously, later backed out, as the seller clearly posts later that it is still available. So, did Tiny, Wimpy PJ not have the funds and, therefore, didn't buy the other Cornish duplex? Oh, no. On the contrary, he was sharp enough to find one for much less (gotta give him credit for that, at least), getting one for a close to retail $1100 - that's why he backed out. Funny thing about that though...this is exactly what I did that started Slimon's relentless, but toothless, persecution of me; I found a cheaper pedal that was also closer to me and I , therefore, backed out of our, as of that point, still unconsummated deal. So, for doing that I'm supposed to be a scumbag who merits cyberstalking, but if his friend and band mate does the same to wisely save a bit of cash that's no problem? Well, actually it is no problem and, again, I do not fault Tiny, Wimpy PJ for doing so, but it does clearly highlight, once again, the hypocrisy of Slimon!

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