Thursday, July 2, 2009

Regarding Jackson - As A Human, I'm Sorry You're Dead, But This Deification is Unwarranted!!!!!

Am I happy Michael Jackson is dead? No, certainly not! I'm sorry for his family and others who knew and loved him. That all being stated, this deification of him that is now occurring, while not all that surprising, I guess, is completely unwarranted! His death and all the trumped up drama surrounding it is more important than the national health care debate, a new Supreme Court nominee, two ongoing wars, the political situations in North Korea, Honduras, and Iran, and so on? WTF? Are you kidding me? Get real!

In addition, even in the realm where, for better or worse, he clearly did make a significant mark, the superficial world of commercial, mass culture, the homage that is being paid to his, errr, legacy, is way off base, in my humble opinion. I mean, this pandering, mainstream putz from Rolling Stone, Toure, is on the talking head shows waxing on about Jackson, as if he was some kind of musical Martin Luther King Jr. Oh really? I guess I must have somehow overlooked the fact that his lyrics were on the same level of social significance/criticism as say, Bob Dylan or Pete Seeger - not!

Personally, I'd be a lot more shook up if Chuck D. had died!

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