Thursday, August 11, 2011

First North Africa, then the Arabian Peninsula, now the UK, and next...


The responsible parties within our government had better pick up on what's going down in the UK as being a sign of things to come here in the good ol' USA, if they don't change the path they're traveling down, pandering to the rich and to multi-billion dollar corporations, instead of serving the needs and interests of the poor and working class; you know, the MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Once Your Motto Was To Serve And Protect,

now your job is to tax and collect!!!!!

Hey, I understand the States and local governments are strapped for cash, hampered, as they are, by all the right-wing nuts who say we can't set our accounts in order by taxing multi-billion dollar corporations and the billionaires that run them, but turning the police into revenue agents is bad for both the police officers and society, to say nothing of the fact that such a strategy also will not/cannot generate enough funds to cover budgetary shortfalls!

No, I'm sorry, but I see the general public's loss of respect for the police and other government agencies/authorities, in general, as being far more damaging to our society, overall, than any small financial gain that is achieved by such tactics.